Pentagram vs Inverted Pentagram: What Do They Mean?
The pentagram is a five-pointed star formed by connecting the tips of the five straight edges that make up the symbol. The pentagram has been used as a Christian and occult symbol for thousands of years, but today it’s most associated with satanism and witchcraft.
In this article, we’ll learn about the pentagram and inverted pentagram, how the inverted pentagram got its bad reputation, how it’s used by contemporary occultists, and why it’s so important to know which version you’re using!
Also Read – Pentagram vs Pentacle: What is their difference.
What is a Pentagram?
In its simplest form, a pentagram is a five-pointed star drawn with one continuous line divided into five segments with one point facing up.

Wiccans use the pentagram for protection, banishing evil spirits and invoking psychic energy. It’s a symbol of power; the upward-pointing tip represents spiritual growth while its down-pointing tip represents physical matter. The inversion of this symbol means that it has been corrupted by dark forces. Which means it needs to be purified before it can be used again properly!
A “regular” pentagram has one point facing up, while an inverted pentagram has two points facing up. There are many variations of these, with different numbers of points pointing in different directions. While the regular pentagram is commonly depicted as an upright five-pointed star contained within a circle, it can also be depicted as an upright seven-, eight-, ten-, or twelve-pointed star contained within a circle as well. An inverted pentagram can be drawn as an upright seven-, eight-, ten-, or twelve-pointed star contained within a circle as well.
The pentagram is a five-pointed star, usually with one point facing upward. It’s often used to symbolize magical power, protection, and good luck. Pentagrams are also used in many religions to represent the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit or mind.
History of the Pentagram
The pentagram is an ancient symbol with a long, rich history. It’s almost certainly the oldest symbol we still use today. Depending on who you ask and where you find them, the pentagram can have a wide variety of different meanings and purposes. Many people know that the pentagram is not inherently evil but may not know much about its meaning or how to use it.
The word “pentagram” comes from the Greek word for “five,” πεντηκοστή, and the Proto-Indo-European root *pénte-, which means “to divide.” As such, this symbol was likely used by many ancient cultures as a way to represent unity. The Greeks and Egyptians used it as an architectural feature in their temples and buildings.
While Babylonians marked doors with them (and even made them into their currency). Pentagrams have been found on artifacts dating back centuries before Christ’s birth—but they were also popularized by Sir Isaac Newton when he published his theory of gravity in 1687.
The pentagram has long been a powerful symbol with many different meanings and purposes. While you may be familiar with the pentacle—a magical symbol that can be used for protection and healing—you may not know much about what it means or how to use it.
For more details on the history of the pentagram, check out this article.
The Inverted Pentagram
The inverted pentagram has two points facing upward instead of one. Some people believe that the inverted pentacle is more evil than good. This belief comes from its association with witchcraft, Satanism, and other dark arts — and some say they can detect an energy shift when they see one!
An upside-down pentagram is just another type of pentacle that isn’t inherently good or evil; it has many applications depending on how you mean to use it.
Inverted pentagrams have been used in magical practices as well as science. They can also be used in religious settings, but more often than not, they’ll be found outside of them (in other words: people who aren’t religious might still use them).
Many people wear inverted pentagrams as good luck charms because they believe they bring prosperity or good health into their lives—which is why some people think wearing an upside-down cross means the same thing!
The Differences Between the Pentagram and the Inverted Pentagram
The difference between these two symbols is that the pentagram symbol is an upright five-pointed star, and the inverted pentagram is an upside-down five-pointed star. Non of them is inherently evil, nor necessarily good or neutral; it depends on how you use them.
Neither symbol has anything to do with Satanism or devil worshiping (although some people think otherwise). Both symbols were used by many cultures for centuries before modern times used them as protective symbols against evil spirits and other dangers.
The Importance of Understanding the Meaning of Pentagrams
While the pentagram is a powerful symbol, it can be used for different purposes. There are many different ways to use a pentagram, but the most common uses of this symbol include protection, healing, summoning energy, and banishing energy.
To understand how these symbols are used and what they mean, you must first understand their meanings and significance.
A pentagram is an ancient symbol that has been used throughout history by many cultures. It represents various things depending upon who you ask (and their particular belief system).
For example:
- Wiccans believe that it represents the balance between male and female energies in nature;
- Christians believe that it represents one of the five wounds Christ suffered during his crucifixion;
- Pagans believe that it represents man’s journey toward enlightenment through paganism’s four seasons;
- Satanists see this as an inverted version of Christianity’s cross or crossroads where demons live…
How to Use a Pentagram in Your Everyday Life
- Use it as a symbol of a deity or religious practice.
- Use it as a symbol of your belief systems, such as Wicca or Satanism.
- Use it as a symbol of your power and protection (from the evil eye).
- Use it as a sign of balance and stability in life, like when you’re starting something new and need some extra luck or good energy around you.
The pentagram has a history as a symbol in medieval and renaissance magic.
The pentagram is a symbol of the human body, specifically the five elements that make up our physical forms: earth (earth), air (air), fire (fire), water (water), and spirit (spirit). It’s also representative of man and woman, or male and female.
The inverted pentagram is an ancient practice used in medieval magic and modern occultism. Inverted pentagrams are often seen on white candles that have been engraved with runes or other symbols, such as sigils representing certain magical powers. This can be done by placing a candle on its side so that only one point remains upright; this will leave an inverted shape behind where there was originally nothing but space before turning it upside down!
In the 19th century, many people began associating the inverted pentagram with satanism. The symbol became associated with Satanism because it was used by some people who practiced this religion.
Inverted pentagrams have also been associated with heavy metal music in general, as well as black metal and death metal genres in particular.
Popularity Among Contemporary Occultists
The inverted pentagram is popular among contemporary occultists. This symbol is used as a symbol of satanism, the occult, and neo-paganism. It’s also known as the “pentacle inverted” or sometimes just “inverted pentagram” (IP).
The inverted pentagram is often found in chaos magic because it represents chaos and disorder, two elements that are highly valued by practitioners of this form of witchcraft.
The upside-down shape of the symbols can be found on many different objects including tattoos and jewelry made from natural materials like bone or wood which represent death/rebirth cycles through rituals like those performed by Wicca priests during their rites where they sacrifice animals before being reborn again into life as humans after death!
A pentagram is simply a five-pointed star, but the two variations have very different meanings and associations.
A pentagram is a five-pointed star. It’s been used as a religious symbol since ancient times, and it still has some religious connotations today.
Inverted pentagrams became associated with satanism during the 19th century because they resemble inverted crosses and inverted triangles (also known as Satanic symbols). This association was never intended by those who created these symbols—they were simply trying to represent one type of figure with another type of figure.
Pentagram vs Inverted Pentagram: Conclusion
The bottom line is that the pentagram and inverted pentagram both have magical properties. They can be used to invoke positive energy, but they can also be used to cast harmful spells.
It’s important to know what they mean and how they’re used before you decide to use them in your practice.