Pentagram Vs 5-Pointed Star (Differences and Similarities)
Pentagrams and 5-pointed stars are both symbols that have been used throughout history, but their similarities can sometimes make it hard to tell them apart.
While they are both geometric shapes with five points, their construction and histories are very different.
In this article, we’ll go over the differences between these two symbols.


What is a Pentagram
A pentagram is a five-pointed star drawn with one continuous line divided into five segments, with one point facing up.

Pentagrams are used in many different cultures and religions, including Christianity and Wicca.
In many cultures and religions, the pentagram represents protection from evil spirits. The five points representing earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
The pentagram symbol has been in use for thousands of years. It is found in prehistoric rock art and many ancient cultures and religions, including Christianity and Judaism. The Greeks called it pentalpha (Penta being Greek for five).
This symbol was adopted by various groups to represent various ideas: protection from evil; balance between mind, body, and spirit; air/wind; earth/water; fire/energy; good luck vs bad luck, etc.
Some people believe that it’s most helpful when used for protection purposes in rituals of magic (real magic or stage magic). They say if you were to turn your back to evil forces while wearing a pentagram amulet around your neck. Then they won’t be able to harm you as quickly because you’ve put up a barrier between yourself and whatever may be threatening you.
What is a 5-Pointed Star?

A five-pointed star differs from a pentagram in several ways.
The shape of a pentagram is a triangle inside another triangle – or you can think of it like an upside-down lopsided hexagon! With 5 sides, it’s more like an equilateral triangle than anything else.
A five-pointed star does not have this kind of structure; rather than having three triangles inside one another with their vertices connected at midpoints (like a hexagon), each side of an equilateral triangle connects directly to its opposite side without any other smaller shapes included for balance or symmetry.”
While very similar in appearance and geometric construction, there are some key differences between pentagrams and the 5-pointed stars.
Pentagrams are five-pointed stars with one point up (the top) while 5 pointed stars have all of their points up. A pentagonal star has two points on either side of its center point (the bottom point), making it look like a regular five-pointed star if you were to draw lines between each of its points. You may also refer to this shape as an “inverted” or “upside down” pentagram.
A 5-pointed star is a type of polygon with five points. They’re often used as symbols for religions and political parties. A five-pointed star is classified as a geometric shape hence its wide applications in mathematics.
For example: if you live in Canada and you want to vote for the Conservative Party, you might see their party logo on your ballot as a 5-pointed star (or if you live in the United States, they use an elephant). Pentagrams can be found almost anywhere—on flags, jewelry, t-shirts, and more!
The five-pointed star was the symbol of the Pythagorean school of philosophy. They believed that the number 5 represented perfection because it was the sum of 1 (the point) and 4 (the square).
The History of the Pentagram
In this section, we’ll briefly go over the history of pentagrams.
The word “pentagram” comes from the Greek word pente, which means five, and gramma, which means letter or character. It was initially used as a symbol in ancient Greece to represent health and healing. Later it became a symbol of protection and good luck.
In Christianity, it represents Christ’s five wounds on his body at the crucifixion: two hands (his side), two feet (his feet), one heart (the spear wound), and one head (the crown of thorns).
In Judaism, it is thought to be associated with Satan and therefore considered evil by some people because its points are inverted like horns on an animal’s head – but this interpretation has been misused for persecution throughout history because many other cultures have used similar symbols for different purposes without linking them to such ideas at all!
The History of the 5-Pointed Star
The 5-pointed star has been used in many different ways over the years. The pentagram, or five-pointed star, has been used as a symbol of Christianity, Judaism, and Freemasonry. It is also recognized as an important symbol in Wicca and some other pagan religions.
The history of the design is unknown, but it may have originated from ancient civilizations such as Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians who use it to represent their gods or goddesses such as Ishtar (Babylonian) and Venus (Egyptian).
The Geometry of a Pentagram
A pentagram is a five-pointed star. It has two sets of two points on each side, with the remaining single point in the middle. The sides and angles of a pentagram are equal to those of a pentagon, which means that the interior angle at any vertex is 109 degrees (180 divided by 5).
This shape can be drawn by connecting any four dots in a regular pentagon with lines. In this way, it forms an irregular star polygon; these polygons have 9 or 10 sides.
For more on the geometry of the pentagram check out this post.
The Geometry of a 5-Pointed Star
A 5-pointed star is a regular star polygon (one with evenly spaced points). It has five vertices and edges, with each edge having a length of 1. The area of such a shape is 2(1/2), which means that it’s twice as big as a square with the same number of sides.
Two other important facts about this type of shape:
A 5-pointed star can be drawn by connecting any two opposite vertices in an equilateral pentagon (a five-pointed shape with all sides equal). This creates the classic “star” look, where there are points on top of the outside edge but not on the lower half inside it.
A large portion of our planet has been explored using maps based on spherical geometry rather than flat maps made from Cartesian coordinates; these maps use either three or four dimensions instead!
They Have Different Meanings
The pentagram and 5-pointed star are similar geometrically. However, they have different meanings. The pentagram has been used as a religious symbol since ancient times and is often associated with witchcraft in modern times. A five-pointed star has two points facing upward and three points facing downward, but it can also be drawn with zero, one, or all five of its points facing upward. In Eastern culture, it’s called the “Seal of Vishnu” or “Nazaraja,” which means that it protects against evil spirits.
Pentagrams and 5-Pointed Stars Are Not the Same Symbols.
Pentagrams and 5-pointed stars are two very different symbols.
Pentagrams are a type of star with five points, but they are not regular polygons like their 5-pointed counterparts. The pentagram is unicursal, meaning it has one point facing upward while the five-pointed star has two points facing upward.
Those two symbols can be called: pentagram, five-pointed star, and star pentagon.
Pentagram has a long history as a religious symbol. It’s been used by Wiccans and various other pagan groups, as well as in Christianity (though the two faiths use it slightly differently). The upward-facing point of a pentagram represents man’s spirit; its four downward points represent earth, air, fire, and water.
A 5-pointed star has two points facing upward while a pentagram has one point facing upward. The word “pentagram” comes from the Greek words “Pente” meaning “five” and “gramma” meaning “letter.”
Both of those symbols celebrate the number five.
The number five is special. It’s the first number that cannot be divided evenly by 2 or 3, and the first number that cannot be divided evenly by 4. The pentagram is a highly symmetrical star, while the five-pointed star is not. If you look at its edges, they form an irregular pentagon—which means it’s impossible to draw a perfect 5-pointed star!
The pentagram has many different meanings:
- it represents being grounded in this world and our bodies;
- being connected with others;
- having a balance between mind, body, and spirit;
- and connecting with nature including the elements of fire (red), earth (green), air (blue) and water (white).
For centuries people have used either symbols as protection from evil spirits or energies like protection against bad luck.
Both of those symbols are beautiful, symmetric, and quite similar in appearance.
Both of those symbols are beautiful, symmetric, and quite similar in appearance. They have been used for many thousands of years by different cultures around the world. Both do have religious meanings and connotations. But if you’re not a religious person who doesn’t want to wear a symbol that could be interpreted as religious then the five-pointed star is probably your best choice.
Although their visual appeal is similar, their meanings are completely different. This is because the pentagram has a long history as a religious symbol.
The pentagram is a five-pointed star that has been used for centuries by many different cultures and religions. Although it’s most commonly associated with Wicca and Paganism, the pentagram can be found in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam as well.
The word “pentagram” comes from the Greek term “pente,” meaning five. The ancient Greeks called this shape a “sign of life” or a sacred symbol, representing health and vitality (they were also known to use it as decoration on vases). Today we know that some scientists consider the shape of an open flower petal to be similar to a pentagram with one side removed. It’s also believed that early Christians adopted this symbol because they saw it as having been created by God himself when He formed Adam from clay; meanwhile, pagans adopted it later after seeing how prevalent its use was amongst Christians (think about how often you see crosses).
In modern times, people have come up with all sorts of theories about what exactly makes this image so powerful—some say it brings good luck or protection against evil forces; others believe that its points represent all four elements: earth, fire, air and water. Whatever your beliefs are about where exactly these powers come from or why they exist in nature at all—one thing remains true: whether you’re religious yourself or not —you’ve probably seen someone wearing one before!
Another Difference Is in Their Orientation and Implied Meaning
The difference between a pentagram and a 5-pointed star is in their orientation and implied meaning. A pentagram points downward, with each point touching the inside of an imaginary circle. When this symbol is used as protection against evil forces, it represents the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It’s also associated with various religious symbols such as the Christian cross or the Jewish Star of David.
A 5-pointed star has one point facing downward and four points facing upward to create a shape similar to an asterisk (*). This star can be used as a symbol for something like “the five senses” or “the five elements.”
A pentagram has one point facing upward while a 5-pointed star has two points facing upward.
A pentagram has one point facing upward, while a 5-pointed star has two points facing upward. A 5-pointed star is also called a pentagon, which means that it’s a polygon with five sides. A pentagram is just a special type of 5-pointed star with one point facing upward.
So what does all this mean? Well, if you look at the image below, it shows you how to draw both types of symbols on paper:
The Inverted Pentagram is used by Satanists to worship Satan, or Lucifer (which means light bearer).
The inverted pentagram is a symbol used by Satanists to worship Satan, or Lucifer (which means light bearer). The pentagram has been used by many religions and cultures over the centuries and even as far back as ancient Egypt.
The inverted pentagram was originally a symbol of good and carried with it the same meaning as the regular five-pointed star. However, after Christians began using it as a representation of their faith, some people began turning it upside down to show their devotion to evil.
How can you tell if something is inverted or right-side up? The easy way is by drawing lines from each point on both versions of the symbol. If they touch at one end or form a straight line when connected, then you have an inverted five-pointed star—and not just any five-pointed star but one that carries negative energy and serves as visual evidence of someone’s allegiance with Satan!
Pentagram comes from the Greek words “Pente” meaning “five” and “gramma” meaning “letter”.
The pentagram has a lot of meanings. It is the five-pointed star and it is also a geometric shape, but it can also be a symbol or an ancient religious symbol.
Pentagram comes from the Greek words “Pente” meaning “five” and “gramma” meaning “letter”. So if you look at the letters of “Pentagram”, they spell out PENTA-GRAM (as in A five-letter word). This means that there are 5 points on this particular star!
Simple geometries are ancient symbols that carry strong meanings.
When you see the word “pentagram,” what comes to mind?
Is it a symbol of protection? Of evil? Of witchcraft and the occult? Of Satanism?
Unfortunately, like many other things in our culture, its meaning has been muddled through poor education and misinformation.
When someone says “pentagram,” they usually mean a five-pointed star with one point up. The term “pentagram” is also used to describe any figure with five points (such as an inverted cross). However, both of these usages are incorrect because they do not accurately describe the symbol itself.
If you want to know what a pentagram is—where it comes from, how it came into existence—you have to look at geometrical shapes: circles within circles called polygons and lines connecting them at right angles called polygons too!
We hope you have enjoyed learning about the difference between a pentagram and a 5-pointed star. They have different meanings and can be used to represent different things. Both of these symbols are beautiful, symmetric, and quite similar in appearance but their orientation makes all the difference!