9 Ways to Make or Type A With Grave Accent on Keyboard [À à]
The grave accent, also known as l’accent grave, is one of the most widely used accent marks or diacritics in the world. It is available in French, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, and other major languages.
In this guide, we’ll go over 9 different ways to make or type A with the grave accent symbol using the keyboard and many other methods.
Let’s get started right away.
How to Type A with Grave Accent Mark for Windows and Mac
Even though the letter A with a grave accent does not have its dedicated key on a standard keyboard, it is still possible to type this symbol by making use of the other keys.
Assuming you are also using any one of the Microsoft Office or Google Docs programs, there are easy navigations and shortcuts that you can execute to put this symbol into Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Google Docs.
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To give you more options, SymbolHippo has developed a special online grave accent keyboard that allows you to type and place the grave accent sign above or below any letter, including the letter “A.”

Without further ado, below are the various options you can use to get this and any other accented letter.
Method 1: Copy A with Grave Accent Text
If you don’t have time to learn the shortcuts, this is by far the simplest way to make “A with a grave accent”.
Simply click the button above to copy this character, then switch to wherever you need it and paste it there.
Below, however, you’ll find additional options for acquiring the letter “A with grave accent.”
Method 2: Using the Online Grave Accent Keyboard
As mentioned at the beginning of this post, SymbolHippo has developed a special online grave accent keyboard that allows users to place the grave accent on any letter.
This section will explain to you how to make use of this tool.
Step 1. Go to the Grave Accent Keyboard page.
Step 2. Type the letter on which you want to place the grave accent. In this case, type in the letter “A” or “a”.

Step 3. Click the “Grave Accent Above” button to place the accent mark above the letter a. If you need this sign to be placed below the letter, click the “Grave Accent Below” instead.

Step 4. Hit the Copy button to get the A with Grave Accent mark on your clipboard.
Once this symbol is copied, you can switch to where you need it and paste it there.
These are the simple steps you may use to get the grave accent mark on any letter using this online keyboard.
Method 3: A with Grave Accent Alt Code for Windows (Keyboard Shortcut)
The A with Grave Accent Alt Code shortcut is Alt + 0192 for uppercase or Alt + 0224 for lowercase.
NOTE: These Alt Code shortcuts work on Windows only.
You can use the Alt code method to type this symbol by pressing and holding the Alt key while typing the Symbol Alt code (0192 or 0224) using the numeric keypad on the right.
Below are detailed steps to type A with Grave accent on the keyboard using these alt codes.
- Open the document where you want to type the A with Grave Accent mark.
- Place your cursor at the desired location.
- Press and hold down the Alt key.
- As you hold down the Alt key, press the A with Grave Alt Code (0192 for uppercase or 0224 for lowercase).
- After typing the code, release the Alt key.
Once you release the Alt key, the symbol (À or à) will immediately appear where you place the insertion point.
Method 4: How to type A with Grave Accent on Mac
In this section, we’ll explore three easy ways to type the A with Grave Accent on Mac.
Let’s get into it.
Option 1: Using the Accent Menu
To type A with the grave accent on Mac using the Accent Menu:
- Press and hold the “A” key. A small menu with an available selection of “A with Accent Marks” will appear above, each with a corresponding number.

- Press the number that corresponds to the A with Grave accent to add it automatically.
Option 2: Using Dead keys
On a computer keyboard, a dead key is a specific modifier key used to add a diacritic to a given base letter.
Using this dead key feature, you can quickly type the A with Grave Accent on Mac.
To do so, press Option+`(grave), then press letter A immediately after that.
Option 3: Using the Character Viewer
The character viewer is used to enter all kinds of symbols, including emojis.
Obey the following instructions to add the A with Grave accent using the character viewer.
- Place the insertion point in the text where you want to type the A with Grave Accent.
- To open the Character Viewer, press Command-Control-Space.
- In the upper-right corner, click the expand button next to Search more categories.
- Select Latin on the left sidebar. This will open a list of accented characters.
- Double-click on the A with Grave Accent Mark to insert it into the document.
That’s all!
Method 5: A with Grave Accent in Word/Excel/PowerPoint
For Microsoft Office users like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, you can use this simple mouse navigation to insert the A with Grave Accent quickly.
The below steps will show you how to insert the A with Grave Accent in Word or Excel or PowerPoint.
- Open your Microsoft Office document.
- Go to the Insert Tab.

- At the far-right section, you’ll see the Symbols group. Select Symbol > More Symbols.

The Symbol window will appear as below.

- From this window, you can find the symbol (À or à).
- To locate it easily, type 00C0 or 00E0 in the Character code: box.
As soon as you type the character code, the A with Grave Accent will appear selected.
- Click the Insert button to insert it into your Word document.
- Close the Symbol dialog.
These are the steps you may use to insert this (À or à) and any other symbol in Microsoft Word or other Office apps for both Windows and Mac OS.
Method 6: Inserting A With Grave Accent in Google Docs
Google Docs is yet another text editor that people struggle with when typing or inserting the A with Grave Accent.
Meanwhile, Google Docs has one of the easiest ways to insert symbols not found on the keyboard.
Without further ado, let’s see how this is done.
To get the A with Grave Accent mark in Google Docs:
- Open Google Docs and place your cursor where you need the symbol.
- Go to Insert > Special Characters.

The Insert special characters window will appear with a search bar and a drawing pad.
- Using the Search bar, search for ‘A with Grave.’ This symbol should show in the search results. Double-click on it to insert it into Google Docs.
- You can also use the drawing pad below the search bar to draw the A with Grave Accent. If Google Docs recognizes the drawing, it’ll display the symbol and similar signs in the results box. Then all you need to do is double-click on the symbol to insert it.
These are the steps you may use to insert this and any other symbol in Google Docs.
Method 7: Get A with Grave Accent on the Character Map (Windows)
The Character Map in Windows is a tool that is used to view characters in any installed font, to check what keyboard input (or Alt code) is used to type those characters, and to copy characters to the clipboard instead of typing them.
This section will show you how to use the Character Map tools to copy and paste the A with Grave Accent with ease.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
- Go to the Windows Start menu and search for Character Map.

- The Character Map app will appear in the search result. Click on it to Launch.
- When it is open, look at the bottom left of the window and click to expand the Advance view options.

- To easily locate the A Grave Accent on the Character Map, type ‘A with Grave in the ‘search for‘ box and hit enter.
The symbol will appear for you to copy.
- To copy this symbol, double-click on it, and it’ll be selected in the Characters to copy box. Then click on the Copy button to finally copy it to your clipboard.
- Place your cursor wherever you need the symbol and press Ctrl and V to paste the copied symbol.
And there you have it.
These are the steps you may also use to copy and paste the A Grave symbol or any other symbol on your Windows PC.
Method 8: Type a with grave accent in Word using the Equation tool
There’s another fun way to get the ‘Grave A’ character in Word. This involves using the Microsoft Word equation tool.
This method is handy if you are working with equations that have accented characters.
Obey the steps below to type a with grave accent mark in MS Word.
Step 1. Press [Alt] + [=] on your keyboard to open the Equation edit box. Alternatively, go to Insert > Symbols > Equation.
Step 2. Once the Equation edit box opens, MS Word will introduce the Equation tab. Under this tab, go to Structures > Accents > Grave. This will insert the grave accent structure or template in the equation edit box.
Step 3. Once the structure is inserted, click on the base and type the letter a.

Method 9: Type A with Grave accent in Word using Unicode
Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that assigns a unique number to each character across languages and scripts, making it possible to display virtually any character in any application on any device.
In MS Word, you can also this Unicode to type Grave A Accent for both lowercase and uppercase.
The Unicode for A with Grave accent is 00C0 for uppercase and 00E0 for lowercase.
Obey the below instructions to use Unicode to type characters in Word:
- Copy the Unicode.
- Launch MS Word and type or paste this code where you need to type the symbol.
- After pasting or typing in the code, select or highlight it and press Alt+X on your keyboard.
As soon as you hit the Alt X keys, the A with Grave accent sign should appear in place of the Unicode.
As much as possible, we’ve tried to cover a lot of methods for typing the A with Grave Accent.
Most people find it difficult to type or insert this symbol. So, we’ve broken down the methods and steps needed to type or insert it on Windows, Mac, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs.
Thanks so much for reading this blog, and have a wonderful day.