18 Symbols of Power And Their Meanings

For as long as humans have existed, the desire for power has driven many of our actions. As a result, power is often at the center of everything, from great wars to minor feuds. 

While power itself is not inherently good or evil, how it is wielded determines its nature. This obsession with power has been evident throughout human history, with many ancient symbols still used today to represent strength and authority. 

In this article, we will explore some of these ancient symbols of power and what they represent. But first, we must ask ourselves, what does strength mean? Is it purely physical, mental, or spiritual? 

Let’s delve into the topic of power and explore the many ways it manifests in our lives.

1. Crown or Tiara

Royal crown png sticker, object

Across many cultures, a crown or tiara symbolizes authority, sovereignty, and royalty. Historically, crowns have been worn by monarchs and rulers to signify their power and legitimacy. 

They are often made of precious metals and adorned with jewels, adding to their opulence and symbolism.

Crowns and tiaras are not just symbols of power, however. They can also represent responsibility, duty, and obligation to serve people. In some cultures, the crown is viewed as a sacred object, with the ruler serving as a spiritual and political leader.

When interpreting the symbol of the crown or tiara, it’s essential to consider the context in which it appears. Is it worn by a ruler or a religious figure? Is it a traditional or modern design? 

What cultural or historical associations are attached to it? Answering these questions can help deepen our understanding of the meaning behind this powerful symbol.

2. Scepter 

Scepter png sticker, royal coronation

A scepter is a rod or staff held by a monarch or other dignitary to symbolize authority. It is often made of a valuable material such as gold or silver and may be decorated with precious stones or intricate designs.

The scepter represents the power of the person who holds it, and it is often associated with royalty or a person who holds a high position of authority. 

In some cultures, the scepter is believed to have magical properties, and the person who holds it can use it to cast spells or to protect themselves and their people.

The scepter also serves a practical purpose, as it can be used as a weapon or tool for various ceremonial purposes. For example, it may strike the ground or other objects to emphasize the proclamation’s importance or signal the beginning or end of a ceremony.

When interpreting the symbol of the scepter, it’s essential to consider the context in which it appears. Who is holding the scepter? What is the occasion or event? 

What cultural or historical associations are attached to it? Understanding these details can help us better understand the meaning and significance of this powerful symbol of authority.

3. Throne 

view of a throne
Photo by Fran on Pexels.com

A throne is a ceremonial chair a monarch or other high-ranking personage uses to symbolize their power. It is often made of valuable materials and decorated with intricate designs, symbols, or other adornments.

The throne represents the seat of power, and the person who sits on it holds the highest position of authority. 

It symbolizes sovereignty and control over a particular land or people. In some cultures, the throne is believed to have divine qualities, and the person who sits on it is viewed as a representative of a higher power.

The throne is also associated with leadership and responsibility. Sitting on a throne requires a person to make decisions, issue commands, and rule over their people. 

Therefore, it is a position of great responsibility, and the person who occupies it must serve their subjects and protect them from harm.

4. Eagle

Bald eagle

The eagle is a powerful bird of prey that has been a symbol of strength, freedom, and courage for centuries. Its keen eyesight, sharp talons, and impressive wingspan make it an awe-inspiring creature. 

Its ability to soar high into the sky has made it a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and transcendence.

Throughout history, many cultures have used the eagle as a symbol of power and authority. For example, the eagle was used as a standard for the Roman legions in ancient Rome, representing their power and might. 

In Native American cultures, the eagle is seen as a sacred bird, often associated with the creator and the power of the spirit.

The eagle also represents freedom and independence. Its ability to fly high above the earth represents the freedom to explore new horizons and to break free from the constraints of the physical world. 

It is also associated with courage and bravery, as eagles are known for their fearless and tenacious nature.

5. Lion 

close up portrait of lion
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The lion is a majestic and powerful big cat that has been a symbol of strength, courage, and nobility throughout history. Its physical prowess, fierce roar, and regal mane have made it an iconic symbol of royalty, power, and authority.

The lion has been a symbol of kingship and royalty for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, the lion was often depicted as a strong symbol associated with the sun god Ra. 

In medieval Europe, lions were used as a symbol of power and were often incorporated into coats of arms, representing the strength and bravery of the ruling family.

The lion also represents courage and bravery. Its ferocity and fearlessness in the face of danger have made it a symbol of strength and resilience. 

In many cultures, the lion is seen as a protector, guarding its pride and its territory against any threats that may arise.

6. Sword

Sword png sticker, transparent background

The sword is a weapon that has been used for thousands of years and has come to represent a range of meanings and interpretations. In general, the sword is a symbol of power, strength, and justice.

The sword is often associated with power and strength because it is a weapon that requires great physical strength to wield effectively. 

In many cultures, the sword is also associated with nobility and honor, as it was often given to knights and other high-ranking officials as a symbol of their status and authority.

The sword is also associated with justice because it has often been used to defend the weak and uphold the law. 

In many cultures, the sword has been seen as a tool for protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty, symbolizing justice and righteousness.

7. Flag

flag of usa
Photo by David Dibert on Pexels.com

The flag is a piece of cloth or other material representing a nation, organization, or other entity. Flags are often decorated with symbols, colors, or designs that convey essential information about the entity they represent.

The flag symbolizes identity and unity, representing a collective identity and shared values. It is often used to rally people around a common cause, such as patriotism or national pride. 

In many cultures, the flag symbolizes freedom and democracy, representing the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.

The colors and symbols on a flag can also have important symbolic meanings. For example, the American flag has thirteen stripes representing the original thirteen colonies and fifty stars representing the fifty states. In addition, red, white, and blue symbolize courage, purity, and loyalty, respectively.

8. Staff

Staff by Chokwe is licensed under CC-BY 3.0

The staff is a long, slender stick used for many historical purposes, symbolizing power, authority, and spiritual guidance.

The staff has been a symbol of power and authority for centuries. In many cultures, the staff was carried by rulers, kings, and other high-ranking officials as a symbol of their status and power. 

In addition, the staff was often decorated with precious metals and jewels, further emphasizing its importance and significance.

The staff has also been used to symbolize spiritual guidance and support. In many religious traditions, the staff is carried by religious leaders, such as priests or bishops, as a symbol of their spiritual authority and guidance. In addition, the staff may be used to support the elderly or infirm during religious ceremonies, symbolizing the idea of support and guidance.

9. Orb 

An orb is a spherical object used to symbolize power and authority for centuries. It is often depicted as a globe, representing the world, and may be decorated with precious metals and jewels, further emphasizing its importance and significance.

The orb is often associated with the idea of rulership and control, symbolizing the power and authority of a king or queen over their kingdom. In many cultures, the orb was carried by rulers during coronation ceremonies as a symbol of their sovereignty and divine right to rule.

The orb can also represent the idea of wholeness and completeness. As a sphere, it represents the world in its entirety, suggesting the idea of unity and completeness. In this way, the orb may be used to symbolize the concept of harmony and balance in the world.

10. Robes

Robes are clothing used for many historical purposes, symbolizing authority, status, and spirituality.

Robes are often associated with authority and status, typically worn by high-ranking officials, such as judges, religious leaders, or royalty. 

Therefore, the robes are often decorated with symbols or colors that indicate the wearer’s status or authority, further emphasizing their importance and significance.

Robes are also often used to symbolize spirituality, representing purity, holiness, and devotion. In many religious traditions, robes are worn by priests, monks, or other religious figures as a symbol of their spiritual authority and commitment to their faith.

11. Keys

close up of keys
Photo by George Becker on Pexels.com

Keys are a tool used to unlock doors, containers, or other locked objects. As a symbol, keys are often associated with the ideas of access, knowledge, and power.

Keys often symbolize access or entry, representing the idea of opening doors and gaining entry to new places or experiences. In this way, keys can be seen as a symbol of opportunity and new beginnings.

Keys are also associated with the idea of knowledge, representing the idea of unlocking secrets or hidden knowledge. 

This idea is often seen in literary works, where keys are used as a symbol for unlocking the mysteries of the universe or the human mind.

In addition, keys can also represent the idea of power and authority. In many cultures, keys are associated with the concept of control, such as the keys to a kingdom or a safe. This idea is often used to symbolize the concept of ownership or possession.

12. Medals

a hand holding medals
Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels.com

Medals are often used to commemorate significant achievements or accomplishments, and as such, they are often associated with the ideas of honor, recognition, and achievement.

Medals are often awarded for outstanding performance in a particular field, such as sports, academics, or military service. They may be made of precious metals, such as gold or silver, and often feature intricate designs or symbols that reflect the achievement they were awarded.

As a symbol, medals represent the idea of recognition and honor for one’s achievements. In addition, they are often seen as a symbol of prestige and status, representing the highest levels of excellence in a particular field.

In addition, medals may also be used as a symbol of sacrifice, particularly in the military. For example, military medals are often awarded for acts of bravery or heroism and may feature symbols or designs that represent the sacrifice or service of the individual.

13. Oaktree

green leafed tree
Photo by veeterzy on Pexels.com

The oak tree is a symbol used throughout history to represent strength, endurance, and wisdom.

The oak tree is known for its durability and longevity, often living for centuries or even millennia. As such, it is often used to symbolize endurance and resilience, representing the ability to withstand the test of time.

In addition, the oak tree is also associated with the idea of strength and power. Its massive trunk and sprawling branches are often seen as a symbol of stability and firmness, representing the idea of a strong foundation.

The oak tree is also associated with wisdom and knowledge, particularly in ancient cultures. The Druids, for example, revered the oak tree as a sacred symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

14. Phoenix 

Mythical phoenix png sticker illustration

The Phoenix is a mythical bird that is said to rise from the ashes of its destruction. As a symbol, the Phoenix is often associated with rebirth, renewal, and transformation.

The Phoenix is said to be immortal, with a lifespan of 500 to 1,000 years. When it senses that its time has come to an end, the Phoenix builds a nest of twigs and sets itself on fire. From the ashes of its own destruction, a new Phoenix is said to rise, symbolizing the idea of rebirth and renewal.

In addition, the Phoenix is often associated with transformation and change. Its ability to rise from the ashes of its own destruction is seen as a symbol of the transformative power of adversity, representing the idea that even the most difficult challenges can lead to new opportunities and growth.

The Phoenix is also associated with the idea of purification and redemption. In many cultures, the Phoenix symbolizes spiritual renewal, representing the idea that one can emerge from challenging circumstances with a new sense of purpose and meaning.

15 Ankh 

a silver coin designed with egyptian ankh
Photo by Zlaťáky.cz on Pexels.com

The Ankh, an ancient symbol that has transcended time, has been found in various forms of art and literature throughout the ages. Its significance as a symbol of life and fertility has remained relevant even to this day.

As an emblem of life, the Ankh is believed to have been a powerful tool of the ancient Egyptians. 

The loop at the top of the symbol represented the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth, while the vertical line beneath it symbolized the journey of life. 

The union of these two elements signified the unbreakable connection between life and death and the power of resurrection that lay beyond it.

In Egyptian mythology, the Ankh was also considered a symbol of divine power and protection, often wielded by the gods and goddesses. 

They were believed to have the power to bestow life and fertility upon the land and its people, thus giving rise to the significance of the Ankh in ancient Egyptian culture.

Today, the Ankh remains a powerful symbol of life, fertility, protection, and balance. It serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, the eternal bond between life and death, and the importance of balance and harmony in our lives. 

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of ancient Egypt, the Ankh remains a timeless symbol of hope and renewal that continues to inspire us to this day.

16. The Eye of Ra

The Eye of Ra is an ancient Egyptian symbol associated with power, protection, and wisdom.

In Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Ra was believed to be a powerful weapon that Ra, the sun god, could use to protect himself and his kingdom. 

It was often depicted as a fierce, all-seeing eye that could shoot out beams of light to defeat enemies and protect the pharaoh and his people.

In addition to its association with power and protection, the Eye of Ra is also sometimes interpreted as a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment. The eye is often seen as representing the sun, a source of light and knowledge in many cultures.

The Eye of Ra is also sometimes associated with balance and harmony. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Ra was said to be in a constant state of unrest and was often seen as a symbol of the cyclical nature of life and death.

17. The Uraeus

The Uraeus is a symbol of power and sovereignty used by ancient Egyptians since the Early Dynastic Period. This cobra symbol represents the goddess Wadjet, the protector of Lower Egypt and the patron goddess of the pharaohs.

The Uraeus was often depicted on the pharaoh’s crown or headdress, symbolizing their divine authority and connection to the gods. It was believed that the Uraeus would spit fire at the pharaoh’s enemies, protecting them from harm and ensuring their victory in battle.

Beyond its role in Egyptian mythology and religious beliefs, the Uraeus also had practical purposes. The cobra was a venomous snake, and it was believed that the Uraeus would protect the pharaoh from snake bites and other dangerous creatures. 

The Uraeus also served as a warning to those who dared to challenge the pharaoh’s authority, as it was seen as a symbol of the pharaoh’s power to strike down their enemies.

Today, the Uraeus is still used as a symbol of power and protection and can often be seen in Egyptian-inspired artwork and jewelry. It remains a powerful symbol of ancient Egypt’s rich cultural history and the enduring legacy of its pharaohs.

18. The Raised Fist

The raised fist symbolizes solidarity and strength, often associated with social and political activism. It has been used as a sign of resistance and unity in many movements throughout history, including civil rights, labor rights, and women’s rights.

The first recorded use of the raised fist as a symbol of protest was during the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, when it was used by the Republicans as a sign of resistance against the fascist forces of General Francisco Franco. 

Since then, the raised fist has become a widely recognized symbol of defiance and resistance against oppression.

The raised fist has been used by various groups, including the Black Power movement in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. The Black Power movement used the symbol to assert their identity and demand equal rights and justice for Black people.

Recently, the Black Lives Matter movement has used the raised fist, which aims to combat police brutality and systemic racism against Black people. 

The raised fist has also been used by the LGBTQ+ community, environmental activists, and many other groups fighting for social justice and equality.

The raised fist is a symbol that embodies the power of collective action and serves as a reminder that ordinary people can come together to make meaningful changes.


These symbols of power have been used by humans for centuries, representing our unending desire for strength and authority. 

As we continue to evolve and develop, new power symbols will surely emerge. However, it’s important to remember that true strength lies in the symbols we use and the earth itself. 

The earth supports us and teaches us that hardness can be a foundation for moving forward. 

From the flower to the eagle, nature shows us that strength is found in perseverance and the ability to rise above challenges. 

We can transform and achieve true power and fulfillment by mastering the elements within ourselves. 

As we navigate the complex world of power and authority, let us always remember to stay grounded in the earth and strive for a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be strong.

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